7 Plus & 11 Plus

McQueen’s Academy is experienced in supporting a wide range of children. Whether your child is suffering from a lack of confidence in their school work or simply needs some guidance in preparing for SATs papers we are here to help.

At McQueen’s Academy we have expert 7+ & 11+ tutors who can identify the key areas requiring work. We have extensive experience in English, Maths and verbal/non-verbal reasoning, and use ‘mock’ exams to get children used to exam conditions. We find that these are a great way to learn, consolidate knowledge and refine technique before the real thing.

We run classes for 7+ & 11+ learners during the evenings and at weekends. If you think your child may need some extra help in preparing for these crucial exams, please do not hesitate to contact us.

7+ Tuition 

McQueen’s-Academy is experienced in supporting students for prep school entrance to top London day schools and prep schools outside of the city. Learning focuses on English and Maths, and introduces students to verbal and non-verbal reasoning. At this age, schools are looking for students who display a positive outlook and an eagerness to learn. That’s why our tutors first and foremost serve as mentors, inspiring their students to enjoy learning and take the initiative to broaden their understanding of the world around them. Academic ability is important but students also need to have interests outside of their studies and actively pursue hobbies. Whether it is sport, music, art or drama, our tutors encourage students to pursue and practice the extra-curricular activities that interest them.

At this age, instilling students with a confidence in their abilities is vital to their progression. That is why our 7+ tutors are engaging and compassionate, always encouraging students to come up with their own ideas, share their beliefs and ultimately, believe in themselves.

11+ Tuition 

At McQueen’s Academy one of our key priorities is to keep up to speed with the 11+ entry requirements of top senior schools in the UK. As entrance to the top schools becomes evermore competitive, we need to constantly adapt and update the systems we have in place in order to offer genuine value to our clients. We aim to match your child with a tutor intimately familiar with what is required to attain entry to your chosen school(s) and who can prepare lessons accordingly.

The 11+ examinations typically focus on Maths, English and verbal and non-verbal reasoning testing. Our tutors follow in-house courses created by our 11+ experts that are updated annually to ensure that students are fully prepared for the entrance exams. Familiarity with the type of exam at the prospective schools is vital to ensure that students stand the best chance of success.