Master of Business Administration (Top-Up)

Start Dates

06 January 2025
26 May 2025
07 September 2025


Full-Time: 1 Year

Study Mode

Classroom Based

Tuition Fee / Year

Full-Time: £6125


Awarding Institution: Plymouth Marjon University

Admission Criteria: Normal University entrance criteria apply International students will be expected to meet the English language requirements of IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.

Entry with 120 academic credits awarded on the basis of Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning.

Prospective students will be advised following an individual and comprehensive assessment of their qualifications and experience. Their study pathway may include a taught module where it would facilitate them meeting the overall programme learning outcomes.

Success on the Strategic Management Project element will be assured through the implementation of an intensive 20-credit Management Project Methods (with Project Proposal). This will help students who have not been in a Higher Education environment for some time to focus on the requirements and timescales for a successful project. Full tutor support will be provided through this phase, through the facilitation of either located sessions, connected sessions or a combination of both. Bridging work may be recommended if necessary for student success.

Programme Outline

This MBA is a programme of broad, analytical and integrated study of business, leadership and strategic management. It is a career development programme for those working in a variety of organisations, including sole traders, SMEs, national and multi-nationals, and not-for-profit.

The programme is forward looking, with a focus on practical leadership and management skills which can be implemented in the workplace.  MBA top-up has two modules

The Strategic Management Project is designed to be highly applicable to the student’s own experiences and desired professional trajectory. Starting with a Management Project Methods with project proposal phase, with close supervision and advice; this helps to ensure that students are set on an achievable and realistic path towards successful completion. The programme has a strong focus on reflective and peer-to-peer learning that draws on learners’ prior experience and enables them to integrate their new knowledge within the base of their professional context.

Distinctive Features

  • A comprehensive curriculum offering emphasis on strategic leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, strategic management of data and information, and strategic finance.
  • The programme is designed for flexibility, to provide accessibility for potential students who are possibly going to be employed during this programme. The programme uses a hybrid learning model – a combination of online learning with intensive and immersive face- to-face sessions.
  • Authentic assessment opportunities with no examinations, enabling learners to embed and apply knowledge and understanding in their professional context, where applicable.


Programme Aims
  • To foster broad knowledge and understanding of organisations, the external business context in which they operate, and their effective leadership and management.
  • To develop a range of skills relevant to business and management: analysis, critical thinking, evaluation, decision-making, ability to communicate and work with others.
  • To collect relevnt information across a range of areas pertaining to a current situation, analyse that information and synthesise it into an appropriate form in order to evaluate decision alternatives.
  • To critically apply theory in real-world business contexts.
  • To develop comprehensive understanding and evaluation of research and enquiry techniques required to conduct an independent and original project on a specialised topic of interest and benefit to business practice.
  • To equip business leaders and managers to respond to and shape the dynamic and changing nature of business.

Academic Progression Opportunities

Successful participants could be eligible to apply for an MPhil/PhD programme in a topic of business and management at Plymouth St. Mark’s and St. John  University, or other institutions. 

Employability and Career Progression Opportunities

Employability skills are integral to this programme and are developed through peer learning, independent tasks, formative and summative assessments.

Typically, graduates from the programme are expected to be candidates for rapid progression within their organisation, where applicable. Through a combined focus on developing knowledge, skill acquisition, and personal development planning, students are in an excellent position to become innovators or leaders of change in their work and business sector contexts. 

Support for Students and for Student Learning

All registered students on this programme are entitled to draw upon a range of the University’s student support and guidance services. The following are accessible remotely:

  • Academic tutorial staff, including programme leaders, module leaders, and external University tutors.
  • Extensive library and other learning resources, including the electronic library catalogue, e-journals, and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
  • Library and study skills guidance,
  • Student Support Services: support with learning, counselling services.
  • Programme and module handbooks.


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