Dr Ala Al-Zobaidie
Director – School of Computing
Dr Al-Zobaidie has around 30 years of management, acadamic, industrial and research experience mainly associated with ares of Information System, System Analysis, Database Design and implementation and Expert System Applications. In addition to his lecturing role he is also experienced in the management of national and international collaborative programmes around the world.
- Al-Khonaizi M. & Al-Zobaidie A., Adapting ISO 9001:2008 for Improving Academic Performance, The Fifth International Scientific Conference, Karbala University, Iraq, April 11-12, 2009.
- Mansoor Al-A’ali, Seema A. Al Mahmood & Ala Al-Zobaidie, An Intelligent Multi- Lingual Object Oriented Dictionary System, 11th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 23-28 2007.
- Mansoor Al-A’ali, Seema A. Al Mahmood & Ala Al-Zobaidie, A Study Of The Contracting And Procurement Process For Cots Software Projects, Journal of Computer science 3(3): 180-185, 200, Science Publishers, USA, 2007.
- Mansoor Al-A’ali, Seema A. Al Mahmood & Ala Al-Zobaidie, A Study of User Requirements for COTS – Computer Off The Shelf Software Solutions, The Journal of Software Quality Professional, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Dec 2006, ASQ publications.
- Ala Al-Zobaidie & Sahar Al-Sudani, Managing Digital Libraries Using Semantic Web Technologies, In the Proceedings of The 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ASC 2006, August 28-30, 2006, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Pp 190-196
- D.Burnell, A. Al-Zobaidie, G. Windall and A. Butler, Self-Optimising Data Farming for Web Applications, 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA’04), 30 August – 3 September, WBC’2004, Zaragoza, Spain. IEEE Computer Society, 2004, Pp 436
- D.Burnell, Al-Zobaidie A.,, G. Windall, Bridging the Gap Between the Data Warehouse and XML, 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA’03), September 1-5, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic. IEEE Computer Society, 2003, Pp 241.
- A M. Tjoa, R.R. Wagner & Al-Zobaidie A. (Editors), Proceedings of the 11th. International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2000), London, the University of Greenwich, September 4-8, 2000.
- Yamani A. & Al-Zobaidie A., An Active Object-Oriented Approach for Natural Language Information Retrieval, In the Arabic Translation and Localization Symposium (ATLAS) Tunis, May 1999.
- Yamani A. & Al-Zobaidie A., & Ibrahim M., Open Architecture for Natural Language Distributed Systems, In Lecture Notes in Computer, Science no., Springer, DEXA’98 – Ninth International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Vienna, Austria, 24-26 August 1998, ISBN 978-3-540-64950-2, Pp 631.
- Brown S, Vallas R, Ibrahim M.,& Al-Zobaidie A., Object Design and Implementation of A Distributed Client/Server System, In DEXA’98 – Ninth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, IEEE Comp. Soc., Vienna, Austria, 26-28 August 1998, Pp 957.
- Al-Khonaizi M, al-A’ali M. and Al-Zobaidie A., The Common-Sense Knowledge Structure for the Arabic Natural Sentence, in the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Multi-lingual Computing, ICEMCO-98, Cambridge University, April 1998, Pp 2.3.1.
- Yamani A. & Al-Zobaidie A., Interrogative Common-Sense domain knowledge for enhancing the intelligence of question-answering, in the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Multi-lingual Computing, ICEMCO-98, Cambridge University, April 1998, Pp 5.7.1.
- Yamani A. & Al-Zobaidie A., Towards Interrogative Language for the Constituents of Arabic Text Retrieval, in Processing Arabic, Report 9, Nijmegen 1998, Ditters E. (Ed.), Institute for the Languages & Cultures of the Middle East, -Nijmegen University Holland (to appear), 1998.
- Yamani A. & Al-Zobaidie A., Natural Understanding for Question-Answering System, Submitted to the 4th Int. Conference on Electronics and Computer Systems, Cairo, December 1997.
- Al-Khonaizi M, al-A’ali M. and Al-Zobaidie A., The Functional Structure for the Arabic Natural Sentence, Submitted to the 4th Int. Conference on Electronics and Computer Systems, Cairo, December 1997.
- Al-Khonaizi M, al-A’ali M. and Al-Zobaidie A., The Semantic Structure for the Arabic Natural Sentence, Submitted to the 4th Int. Conference on Electronics and Computer Systems, Cairo, December 1997.
- Al-A’ali M., Girgis M. and Al-Zobaidie A., Creating an Object Oriented Schema from Arabic Natural Language Sentences, in the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Multi-lingual Computing, ICEMCO-96, Cambridge University, April 1996, Pp 3.9.1.
- Al-Khonaizi M., Yamani A., Al-Zobaidie A. and al-A’ali M., A New Declaratives & Interrogatives Approach to Natural Arabic Text: A Computational Linguistics Approach, in the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Multi-lingual Computing, ICEMCO-96, Cambridge University, April 1996, Pp 3.13.1.
- Yamani A. and Al-Zobaidie A., Computational Linguistics Approach to Question- Answering System for Arabic. in the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Multi-lingual Computing, ICEMCO-96, Cambridge University, April 1996, Pp 3.7.1.
- Yamani A. & Al-Zobaidie A., Towards an Interrogative Language for the Constituents of Arabic Text Retrieval, (to appear) in Processing Arabic, Report 9, Nijmegen 1996, Ditters E. (Ed.), Institute for the Languages & Cultures of the Middle East, -Nijmegen University Holland.
- Al-A’ali M., Al-Zobaidie A. & Al-Khonaizi M., al-Khazoon: A Database System for Natural Arabic Language Text , in Processing Arabic, Report 8, Nijmegen 1995, Ditters E. (Ed.), Institute for the Languages & Cultures of the Middle East, -Nijmegen University Holland, ISSN 0921-9145, Pp 107-114.
- Al-Zobaidie A., Al-Khonaizi M., Yamani A., al-A’ali M, Common Sense Knowledge Representation for Natural Language Processing: an LFG approach, in Processing Arabic, Report 8, Nijmegen 1995, Ditters E. (Ed.), Institute for the Languages & Cultures of the Middle East, -Nijmegen University Holland, ISSN 0921-9145, Pp 47-78.
- Al-Khonaizi M., Al-Aali M., and Al-Zobaidie A., The Classification Approach for Natural Arabic Language Understanding, The Egyptian Computing Journal, Vol. 22, No.1, 1994, The Institute of Statistical Studies & Research, Cairo University, Pp 59-76.
- Yamani A, Al-Khonaizi M, Al-Zobaidie A. and Al-A’ali, Understanding Declaratives and Interrogatives of Arabic text: A Computational Linguistic Approach, The Second Symposium of the Arabization of Computers, Vol. 2, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 1994.
- Yamani A. and Al-Zobaidie A., Semantic Structures for Arabic Interrogatives and Coordinated Arabic Interrogatives: an LFG Treatment, The second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairo, 1994, Pp 189-205.
- Yamani A.. and Al-Zobaidie A., Long-Distance Dependencies and Coordination Phenomena in Arabic Interrogatives: an LFG Treatment, The second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairo, 1994, Pp 166-188.
- Al-Khonaizi M., Al-Aali M., and Al-Zobaidie A., Understanding natural Arabic text, In Thomas Grechenig, Manfred Tscheligi (Editors), Lecture Notes in Computer, Science, Human Computer Interaction: Vienna Conference, VCHCI ’93, Volume 733, Austria, September 20–22, 1993. Pp 407-408.
- Al-Khonaizi M., Al-Aali M., and Al-Zobaidie A., The Classification Approach for Natural Arabic Language, (An abstract paper and a poster), Proceedings of the International Conference of the Human-Computer Interaction, Vienna, 20-22, September 1993.
- Al-Khonaizi M., Al-Aali M., and Al-Zobaidie A., Al-Khabier Al-Arabi, An Expert System for Natural Arabic Language Understanding, The proceeding of the Second National Expert Systems and Development Workshop ESADW-93, Cairo, 2-6 May, 1993, Pp 193-200.
- O’Neill P., A. Al-Zobaidie, Student Admission: Expert and Database System, In Proc. of the International Conference on Databases and Expert Systems Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, August 1991, Pp 24-27.
- Al-Zobaidie Ala and Grimson J.B., The Use of Metadata to drive the interaction between Database and Expert Systems, In Information and Software Technology Journal, Butterworths Scientific Limited, October 1988, Pp 484-496.
- Al-Zobaidie Ala and Grimson J.B., DIFEAD: a system to couple Databases and Expert Systems, In Proc. of AI/CS’ 88, Vol. 1, University College Dublin, September 1988.
- Al-Zobaidie Ala and Grimson J.B., Expert Systems and Database Systems: how can they serve each other?, In Expert Systems (The International Journal of Knowledge Engineering), Learned Information Ltd. , Vol. 4, No. 1, February 1987, Pp. 30-37. (This paper was also published in the Proceedings of the 2nd International Expert Systems Conference, London, 30th. September 20th. October 1986, Pp. 125-136).
- Al-Zobaidie Ala and Grimson J.B., An Expert Clinical Database, In MedInfo ’86, Salamon R., Blum B. and JØrgensen M. (eds.), Proceeding of the Fifth world Conference on Medical Informatics, North Holland Press, Washington DC, October 26-30, 1986, Pp. 822-827.
- Grimson J.B. and Al-Zobaidie Ala, Coupling Expert Systems and Databases, In the Proceedings of the Current Perspectives in Health Computing Conference, Bryant J., Roberts J. and Windsor P. (eds.), The British Journal of Health care Computing (BCS), UMIST, England, 9-11 April 1986, Pp. 714.

Dr. Lester Massingham
Director MBA Programme
Dr Lester” is an International Management Consultant,Trainer and Speaker who has worked extensively throughout Europe,Asia and the Middle East for over 30 years.
His expertise is in the design,development and collaborative delivery of unique Strategic Management Programmes and Transformation Methodologies for organisational performance continuity & acceleration for enterprise stakeholder value enhancement.
Dr Lester has worked successfully for Government Organisations,Multinationals and SMEs to inspire leadership mindsets and thereby enable innovative action for new value creation strategies to thereby re-align enterprise business models for sustainable relevance.
The MBA programme modules ,originated by Dr Lester based upon consulting experience and academic research,are intended to provide executives with essential knowledge, skills and know how for leadership development to hence deliver organisational competency improvements. His Higher Education was attained at top tier UK Universities.
Dr Lester’s career has also included academic leadership for MBA and DBA programme with in excess of 10,000 graduates.
Dr Lester has received adjunct professorships in European & Asia Universities,held examinerships for leading professional bodies,and co-authored best selling management textbooks.
He wishes you the very best for your MBA journey,knowing it WILL change your life!
- Co-Authored With Professor Dr Geoffrey Lancaster
- 1988 The Marketing Primer Heineman
- 1988 Essentials of Marketing McGraw-Hill
- 1990 Mini Cases in Marketing Heineman
- 1991-3 Mini Cases in Marketing Reprint
- 1993 Essentials of Marketing 2nd Ed. Mc Graw-Hill
- 1993 Marketing Management McGraw-Hill
- 1995 Marketing Case Studies Butterworth Heineman
- 1996 Stategic Marketing:Planning & Execution. Kogan Page
- 1998 Marketing Management 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill
- 1998 Essentials of Marketing 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill
- 2001 Marketing Management 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill
- 2002 Essentials of Marketing 4th Ed. Mc Graw-Hill
- 2011 Essentials of Marketing Management Routledge
- 2018 Essentials of Marketing Management 2nd Ed. Routledge

Professor Clive Smallman
Clive is Vice President (Academic), International Institute of MBA Studies and Dean, Higher Education Leadership Institute. A higher education consultant, he specialises in delivering personalised business training and education for leadership teams to enable growth or exit, and in higher education learning and teaching. He has nearly 40-years’ experience in commercial and academic sectors including work with the Royal Bank of Scotland, the Halifax, Telent, Centrica, Aviva, the Prudential, Coca Cola, Ford and Shell.
Clive was formerly: President, Asia Pacific International College, Australia; Assistant Vice Chancellor and Dean of Business. Western Sydney University, Australia; Professor of Business Management, Lincoln University, New Zealand; Senior Research Associate, Judge Business School and Isaac Newton Trust Teaching Fellow, Hughes Hall, both University of Cambridge; and Senior Lecturer, Bradford University School of Management. His commercial experience spans complex change management in financial services and applied artificial intelligence and machine learning research and development.

Professor Stuart Wall
Professor Stuart Wall is a globally recognised authority in a range of economics, business and management subjects, with numerous texts in many languages As a member of the Committee for National Academic Awards (CNAA) he supported many ‘new’ universities in degree development, led the Ashcroft International Business School in Cambridge for Anglia Ruskin University, and acted as consultant, advisor and Visiting Professor to a wide range of UK universities. Professor Wall is regarded as one of the UK’s leading developers of teaching and learning materials in higher education across many subject areas. For example he was ‘headhunted’ by Kaplan on its market entry into the UK to oversee the provision of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and learning materials for all subjects in its first three Kaplan International Colleges.
Professor Stuart Wall studied economics at Manchester University and was awarded the Gartside Research Fellowship before continuing his studies at Birkbeck College, London University. In addition to research activity he quickly established himself as an author of major business and economics texts published in many languages, for example he has five separate textbooks translated and published in Chinese. His Applied Economics text, now in its 12th edition, has been chosen by Tsinghua University (described by Time Magazine as ‘the Harvard of China’) as one of the six most important international texts in economics. with the other five texts consisting of two by Ben Bernanke, then Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, one by Olivier Blanchard, Chief Economist of the IMF and Professor of Economics at MIT, one by Dominick Salvatore, world leading authority in International Economics and Consultant to the World Bank, IMF and UN and one by Robert Frank, Professor of Management and Professor of Economics, Cornell University. He is also the author of a wide range of on-line, audio and video materials for Financial Times/Pearson/ Edexcel and other publishing houses and has extensive consultancy experience for major organisations, such as the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. In addition he has developed major research projects for various UK universities in entrepreneurship and corporate strategy, including projects funded by bodies such as the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Professor Wall has acted as external examiner for numerous universities, including Cambridge University, Surrey University and the University of the West of England and the Universities of Bournemouth, Roehampton, West London and Harper Adams for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD programmes. In addition to a wide range of texts and articles, he is the author of articles on various aspects of business strategy and economic policy and of a wide range of ‘Educational Specials’ for parents and students for newspapers such as The Guardian, The Times, The Independent, The Mail on Sunday, and many others. Stuart was awarded a Professorship in Business and Economics Education, Anglia Ruskin University and has Visiting Professorships in Business and Economics Education with Birmingham City University and Leeds Beckett University.
Publications and programmes
As well as authoring 10 textbooks and over 20 articles, in his capacity as Founder and Principal of CIEC Professor Wall is leading the development of both curricula and teaching and learning content for universities and organisations worldwide, with particular emphasis on business, management and English language, having developed series with sales of over 10 million titles worldwide.

Richard Bingley
Richard Bingley is the founding Chairman of the Global Cyber Academy. He has spent more than a decade serving as a British university academic, high-level leadership consultant, and NGO Director, specialising in the fields of Leadership, Business Resilience and Technology-related Risk Management.
To date, Richard is the author of three well-received security books, a fourth on Cyber Security in the Boardroom is due out in 2020.
Richard is a regular broadcaster and weekly contributoron security and tech issues at London’s LoveSportRadio. Currently, he is also working on his PhD under the working title of – Above the parapet: an experiential study of entrepreneurial leadership in conflict zones.
- Bingley, R. (2015) The Security Consultant’s Handbook, Ely: IT Governance Press
- Bingley, R. (2003) Terrorism: Just The Facts, Heinemann: New York
- Bingley, R. (2003) Arms Trade: Just The Facts, Heinemann: New York

Dr Björn Östen
Dr Osten studied his undergraduate degree at the University of Helsinki studying Physics Major and Advanced Microsystems Minor. After which he was recruited into the Nokia graduate programme, working on Geo-stationary satellite and Ground based communication systems. He also worked on the Symbian OS platform for mobile phone technology. Whilst at Nokia, Dr Osten studied on a Master’s programme in Advanced Digital Electronics with Artificial Intelligence (AI). He then moved to the United States of America (USA) to work with Haliburton and Lockheed Martin, working on defence projects. He then moved on to work for McIntosh Labs and Krell Labs as a consultant Design Engineer.
After working in the industry for many years he decided to undertake research at Masters and PhD levels in the area of Coaxial Light Perturbation and relational Quantum Entanglement. He successfully completed his PhD and continues to work as an academic and as a consultant. Currently, he is developing Web Technologies, levering data science vectors to provide ever more qualitative datasets. At this institution he is developing machine learning and AI platforms to assist in the progression of Science.

Dr Shahzad Yousuf
Dr Yousuf MBA (Birmingham), PhD (Cranfield), MCIM, is the Chief Operating Officer of City of London College. He has a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies from the University of East London, Masters in Business Administration from the University of Birmingham Business School and Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) from the Cranfield School of Management. He has taught Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Finance and has worked in the fashion retailing and petroleum industries. For over 20 years he has been involved in the management of Higher Education.
Dr Yemi Adegoke
Dr. Yemi Adegoke holds MSc from Aston University and a PhD from Royal Holloway University of London. He is a fellow of the IMIS, Member of the Conflict Research Society and the Operational Research Society. He has attended more than 40 management development and capacity-building programs worldwide and led several professional teams on Management Consultancy/Advisory services to more than 15 countries.