Computer Science

Tuition Fees: £3000
Duration: One Year

What is Computer Science? 
Computer Science is a discipline which requires thinking both in abstract and in concrete terms. On a higher level, computer science is concerned with problem solving: modelling and analysing problems, designing solutions, and implementing them. Problem solving requires precision, creativity, and careful reasoning. Many problems in the sciences, engineering, health care, business and other areas can be solved effectively with computers, but finding a solution requires both computer science expertise and knowledge of the particular application domain. Thus, computer scientists often become proficient in other subjects.

Combines with?  Computer Science has strong connections to many other disciplines. Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, and Economics combine well with Computer Science.

Students who wish to study for a Computer Science degree should combine it with A Level Mathematics as this is a pre-requisite at many universities.

Leads to? A good grade in Computer Science at A level is valued by universities and employers since it requires the development of analytical thinking and problem solving skills. This course also lays an appropriate foundation for further study of Computer Science, Engineering, Physics or related subjects in higher education.