Student Walfare
Careers Advice
The Student Services Desk plays a key role in developing and enhancing your employability. Information sessions are arranged during the term to offer careers guidance, information and management. Students studying University courses are also able to access the services offered at the University. Students are able to use both during their studies and after graduation.
You can get help with: CV’s, job applications, deciding what to do after your course, postgraduate study, placements and work experience.
The College encourages all students to seek employment during their course. This enhances their CV to ensure that that they stand good chance to be attracted by prospective employers and ensures that they have a desired career path. The employability office at the College can guide you with your career related matters.
Should you find yourself faced with personal problems or difficulties which threaten to affect your well-being or ability to study, staff at the College may be accessed to seek one-to-one confidential help and guidance to manage your problem. Staff may also guide you to outside support.