Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management

Start Dates

04 January 2022
11 April 2022


Full-Time: 1 Year

Study Mode

Full Time
Part Time
Blended Learning

Tuition Fee / Year

Full Time: £6000.00
Part Time: £3000.00
Blended Learning: £3000.00

BTEC Higher Nationals are designed to provide specialist vocational programmes, linked to professional body requirements and National Occupational Standards. The qualifications provide a thorough grounding in the key concepts and practical skills required in their sector and their national recognition by employers allows progression direct into employment. BTEC Higher Nationals offer a strong emphasis on practical skills development alongside the development of requisite knowledge and understanding in their sector. Learners are attracted to this strong vocational programme of study that meets their individual progression needs whether this is into employment or to further study on degree or professional courses.
A key progression path for BTEC Higher National Certificate and Diploma learners is to the second or third year of a degree or honours degree programme, depending on the match of the BTEC Higher National units to the degree programme in question.
BTEC Higher Nationals in Hospitality Management have been developed to focus on:

  • providing education and training for a range of management careers in hospitality, licensed retail, food and beverage or leisure and tourism sectors; for example food and beverage manager, front of house manager or events manager
  • providing opportunities for hospitality managers to follow specialised areas of study directly relevant to individual vocations and professions within the hospitality industry, including study within the licensed trade, leisure and/or tourism sectors, or specialist culinary arts, leading to a nationally-recognised Level 5 vocationally-specific qualification
  • providing opportunities for full-time learners to gain a nationally-recognised vocationally specific qualification to enter employment in hospitality management or progress to higher-education, vocational qualifications such as a full-time degree in hospitality management or related areas such as business management or leisure and tourism management
  • developing the knowledge, understanding and skills of learners in the field of hospitality management in a range of fields, including those suggested above
  • providing opportunities for learners to focus on the development of higher-level skills in a hospitality management context, including investigatory and research skills focusing on management issues within the context of hospitality, leisure or tourism
  • providing opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills and techniques and attributes essential for successful performance in working life within the hospitality industry.

This qualification meets the needs of the above rationale by:

  • developing a range of knowledge and understanding, skills and techniques, personal qualities and attributes essential for successful performance in working life
  • developing the individual?s ability to make an immediate contribution to employment in the hospitality management industry, through effective use and combination of the knowledge and skills gained in different parts of the programme
  • providing opportunities for specialist study relevant to individual vocations and contexts
  • enabling progression to an undergraduate degree or further professional qualification in hospitality management or a related area
  • providing flexibility, knowledge, skills and motivation as a basis for future studies and career development in hospitality management.

Pearson Education is the UK’s largest awarding body offering academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised and benchmarked.  Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications are designated higher education qualifications in the UK. They are aligned to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Benchmark Statements. These qualifications are part of the UK Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).
BTECs are work-related qualifications for students taking their first steps into employment, or for those already in employment and seeking career development opportunities. BTECs provide progression into the workplace either directly or via study at university and are also designed to meet employer’s needs. Therefore, Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications are widely recognised by industry and higher education as the principal vocational qualification at Levels 4 and 5.

Who is this qualification for?
The BTEC Higher National qualifications in Hospitality Management are aimed at students wanting to continue their education through applied learning. Higher Nationals provide a wide-ranging study of the hospitality sector and are designed for students who wish to pursue or advance their career in hospitality. In addition to the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin the study of hospitality, Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals in Hospitality Management give students experience of the breadth and depth of the sector that will prepare them for further study or training.
Qualification codes
Ofqual Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) Qualification numbers:
Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management: 603/2278/2

Level Unit Title Credit Value
4 The Contemporary Hospitality Industry 15
4 Managing the Customer Experience 15
4 Professional Identity and Practice 15
4 The Hospitality Business Toolkit 15
4 Leadership and Management for Service Industries (Pearson-set) 15
5 Research Project 30
5 Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Insight 15
4 Managing Conference and Events 15
4 Managing Accommodation Services 15
4 Hospitality Marketing Essentials 15
Pathway: General
5 Menu Development, Planning and Design 15
5 Food Service Management 15
5 Front Office Operations Management 15
5 Global Events 15
5 Hospitality Digital Marketing 15
Pathway: Culinary Arts Management
5 Hospitality Supply Chain Management 15
5 Menu Development, Planning and Design 15
5 Creative Kitchen Management 15
5 Food Innovation 15
5 Facilities Management 15
Pathway: Food and Beverage
5 Hospitality Supply Chain Management 15
5 Menu Development, Planning and Design 15
5 Barista to Bar Management 15
5 Food Service Management 15
5 Facilities Management 15
Pathway: Accommodation and Revenue Management
5 Revenue Management 15
5 Front Office Operations Management 15
5 Hospitality Distribution Channels Management 15
5 Sales Management 15
5 Facilities Management 15
Pathway: Events
5 Managing and Planning an Event 30
5 Global Events 15
5 Hospitality Digital Marketing 15
5 Facilities Management 15
Pathway: Innovative Marketing and Sales
5 Hospitality Digital Marketing 15
5 Sales Management 15
5 Integrated Hospitality Marketing Communications 15
5 Hospitality Brand Management 15
5 Revenue Management 15
Career Benefits
The qualification prepares students for employment in the sector and is suitable for those who have already decided that they  wish to enter this area of work. Some students may wish to make the commitment required by this qualification in order to enter a specialist area of employment in the sector or progress into higher education.
Progression from this qualification may well be into or within employment in the sector where students may work towards professional membership or study for professional body examinations.
The BTEC Higher National Diploma offers a progression route to the second or third year of a degree or honours degree programme, depending on the match of the BTEC Higher National units to the degree programme in question.
Why choose Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals?
Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals are designed to help students secure the knowledge skills and behaviours needed to succeed in the workplace. They represent the latest in professional standards and provide opportunities for students to develop behaviours for work, for example by undertaking a group project, or responding to a client brief. A student may even achieve exemption from professional or vendor qualifications, or student membership of selected professional bodies, to help them on their journey to professional competence.
At the same time the BTEC Higher Nationals are intended to keep doors open for future study should a student wish to progress further in their education after their level 5 study. They do this by allowing space for the development of higher education study skills, such as the ability to research. Clear alignment of level of demand with the Framework for Higher Education qualification descriptors at level 4 and 5 means that students wishing to progress to level 6 study should feel better prepared.
Why choose Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals?
Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals are designed to help students secure the knowledge skills and behaviours needed to succeed in the workplace. They represent the latest in professional standards and provide opportunities for students to develop behaviours for work, for example by undertaking a group project, or responding to a client brief. A student may even achieve exemption from professional or vendor qualifications, or student membership of selected professional bodies, to help them on their journey to professional competence.
At the same time the BTEC Higher Nationals are intended to keep doors open for future study should a student wish to progress further in their education after their level 5 study. They do this by allowing space for the development of higher education study skills, such as the ability to research. Clear alignment of level of demand with the Framework for Higher Education qualification descriptors at level 4 and 5 means that students wishing to progress to level 6 study should feel better prepared.

Use of Maths and English within the curriculum
Those working within the hospitality sector cannot just rely on their technical skills and must ensure they develop all relevant employability skills to increase employment opportunities. For example, they will be required to communicate appropriately with stakeholders throughout their career, so the ability to use maths and English in a professional context is an essential employability skill that must be developed at all levels of study.
Development of essential maths and English skills are embedded throughout these qualifications in accordance with industry requirements and below are some examples of how these skills are developed in the curriculum:

  • Written reports
  • Formal presentations
  • Informal conversations
  • Use of professional, sector specific language

How Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals in Hospitality Management provide both transferable employability skills and academic study skills
Students need both relevant qualifications and employability skills to enhance their career prospects and contribute to their personal development. Pearson Higher National Hospitality Management qualifications embed throughout the programme the development of key skills, attributes and strengths required by 21st century employers.
Employability skills referred here generally fall in five main categories:

  • Cognitive and problem-solving skills: critical thinking, approaching non- routine problems by applying expert and creative solutions, use of systems and digital technology, generating and communicating ideas creatively.
  • Intra-personal skills: self-management, adaptability and resilience, self- monitoring and self-development, self-analysis and reflection, planning and prioritising.
  • Interpersonal skills: effective communication and articulation of information, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation.
  • Commercial skills: sector awareness; sales; marketing/promotion; budget management/monitoring.
  • Business skills: awareness of types of companies, company formation, invoicing, calculating fees, business management.

Students can also benefit from opportunities for deeper learning, where they are able to make connections between units and select areas of interest for detailed study. In this way BTEC Higher Nationals provide a vocational context in which students can develop the knowledge and academic study skills required for progression to university degree courses, including:

  • Active research skills
  • Effective writing skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Decision-making
  • Team building
  • Exam preparation skills
  • Digital literacy
  • Competence in assessment methods used in higher education.

To support you in developing these skills in your students, we have developed a map of Higher Education relevant transferable and academic study skills, available in appendices.
Planning your programme
Delivering the Higher Nationals in Hospitality Management

Entry Requirements

For students who have recently been in education, the entry profile is likely to include one of the following:

  • A BTEC Level 3 qualification in Hospitality
  • A GCE Advanced Level profile that demonstrates strong performance in a relevant subject or adequate performance in more than one GCE subject. This profile is likely to be supported by GCSE grades A* to C (or equivalent), and/or 9 to 4 (or equivalent) in subjects such as maths and English
  • Other related Level 3 qualifications
  • An Access to Higher Education Diploma awarded by an approved further education institution
  • Related work experience
  • An international equivalent of the above.

We consider applicants’ prior learning when considering your acceptance on a BTEC Higher Nationals, through Recognition of Prior Learning.

English language requirements
Pearson’s mission is to help people make more of their lives through learning. In order for students to be successful on Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications which are both taught and assessed in English, it is critical that they have an appropriate level of English language skills.

The following clarifies the requirements for all Centres when recruiting applicants on to new Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications.
All Centres delivering the new Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications must ensure that all students who are non-native English speakers and who have not undertaken their final two years of schooling in English, can demonstrate capability in English at a standard equivalent to the levels identified below, before being recruited to the programme where the programme is both taught and assessed in English:

  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2
  • PTE 51
  • IELTS 5.5; Reading and Writing must be at 5.5
  • or equivalent.

It is up to the Centre to decide what proof will be necessary to evidence individual student proficiency.

The following clarifies the requirements for all Centres when recruiting applicants on to new Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications which are taught in a language other than English, but are assessed in English.

All Centres delivering the new Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications wholly or partially in a language other than English, but who are assessed in English, must ensure that all students can demonstrate capability in English at a standard equivalent to the levels identified below, on completion of the programme:

  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2
  • PTE 51
  • IELTS 5.5; Reading and Writing must be at 5.5
  • or equivalent.

It is up to the Centre to decide what proof will be necessary to evidence individual student proficiency.

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