Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training

Start Dates

26th September 2022
16th December 2022
9th January 2023
31st March 2023
17th April 2023


Full-Time: 1 Year

Study Mode

Full Time
Part Time
Blended Learning

Tuition Fee / Year

Full Time: £6000.00
Part Time: £3000.00
Blended Learning: £3000.00

The Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (QCF) prepares trainee teachers and trainers to teach in a wide range of contexts. To achieve the qualification, there is a requirement for teaching practice that requires observation and assessment of performance.

The qualification can meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers and trainers, including:

  • individuals who are not currently teaching and training but who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed practice requirements of the qualification
  • individuals who are currently teaching and training, including those who have just begun teaching and training and who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed practice requirements, of the qualification
  • individuals currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a teaching qualification and who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed practice, of the qualification.


Pearson Education is the UK’s largest awarding body offering academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised and benchmarked.  Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications are designated higher education qualifications in the UK.  They are aligned to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Benchmark Statements.

BTEC Professional qualifications are qualifications at Level 4 to Level 8 that are designed to provide professional work-related qualifications in a range of sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. The qualifications also provide career development opportunities for those already in work. Consequently, they provide a course of study for full-time or part-time learners in schools, colleges and training centres.

On successful completion of a BTEC Professional qualification, learners can progress to or within employment and/or continue their study in the same or related vocational area.
Qualification summary and key information

Qualification title Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
Qualification Number (QN) 601/1228/1
Age range that the qualification is approved for 19+
Credit value 120
Total Qualification Time (TQT) 1200
Guided learning hours 360
Teaching practice 100 hours
Grading information The qualification and units are at pass grade.

At the City of London College we would like students to make informed choices in selecting the most appropriate course suitable to achieve their aspirations.  In becoming a qualified teacher there are different roles that one can perform.  Below is a brief description of various roles.  We recommend that applicants familiarise themselves with the roles outlined below and apply for the relevant course.


Assessor or Internal Quality Assurance Pearson Level 3 and Level 4 Award and Certificate in Training, Assessment and Quality Assurance (TAQA)
Trainer Pearson Level 3 Award / Certificate / Diploma in Learning and Development (L&D)
New to teaching and training Pearson BTEC Level 3 Award in Education and Training
Part-time teacher Pearson BTEC Level 4 Award in Education and Training
Full-time teacher Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

This Diploma qualification in the QCF is recognised as equivalent to the Certificate of Education qualifications in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). Learners who have achieved the Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (QCF) can progress to further studies in education, such as the Pearson Edexcel Level 7 Diploma in Assessment Management (QCF).
Learners who achieve the Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (QCF) and who are progressing to higher education accredited qualifications at Level 6 or above can have their Level 5 credit recognised in line with the higher education institution’s arrangements for the recognition of prior learning.

Objective of the qualification
The Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training prepares trainee teachers and trainers to teach in a wide range of contexts. To achieve the qualification, there is a requirement for teaching practice that requires observation and assessment of performance.
The qualification can meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers and trainers, including:

  • individuals who are not currently teaching and training but who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed practice requirements of the qualification
  • individuals who are currently teaching and training, including those who have just begun teaching and training and who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed practice requirements, of the qualification
  • individuals currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a teaching qualification and who can meet the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed practice, of the qualification.

Progression Opportunities
This Diploma qualification is recognised as equivalent to the Certificate of Education qualifications in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ).  Learners who have achieved the Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training can progress to further studies in education, such as the Pearson DfE Level 7 Diploma in Assessment Management.
Learners who achieve the Pearson BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training and who are progressing to higher education accredited qualifications at Level 6 or above can have their Level 5 credit recognised in line with the higher education institution’s arrangements for the recognition of prior learning.


The learner will need to meet the requirements outlined in the table below before Pearson can award the qualification, i.e. achieve the appropriate mandatory and optional units, as well as satisfactorily complete teaching practice.

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved  120
Number of mandatory credits that must be achieved 75
Number of optional credits that must be achieved 45
Minimum number of credits that must be achieved at Level 5 or above  61
Teaching practice hours 100
Entry Requirements

It is recommended that all those wishing to join this qualification programme should undertake an initial assessment of skills in English, mathematics and ICT. Development needs should be recorded and an action plan agreed. The aim is for learners to achieve Level 2 as a minimum.

1 – Age restriction: Minimum: 18
2 –  A degree or a relevant vocational and/or academic qualification.
3 – Mature entry: Appropriate work experience
4 – APEL / APL: Students already in employment or with relevant previous experience
5 – English Language Competency: Minimum: CEFR B2 – PTE Academic = 51 (in all 4 skills) or IELTS = 5.5 (in all 4 skills)
6- A current DBS Check/Certificate – should not have a criminal background, which might prevent them from working as a teacher with young people or vulnerable adults.

Awarded By

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